Anne Koutures

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to persevere (v): to keep sight of your goals,
despite the challenges that obstruct your view.

Boston University Graduation 2023

about me

My name is Anne and I study neuroscience, psychology, and law. I am passionate about my work, particularly focused on Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), Alzheimer's Disease (AD), cognition, pharmacology, and child development.

I am currently a full time Research Associate at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine, Vossel Lab, where I study the implications of epileptic activity in Tau Disorders such as AD.

I attended Boston University from 2019-2023 to receive my Bachelor's Degree and in both Neuroscience and Psychology, while discovring my passion for neurological research, chemistry, and social justice. I aspire to have a career helping others through neuroscience and justice, recognizing their unique overlaps and joint implications.

I grew up in Los Angeles, California where I began working in the customer service industry at age 15, continuing to work in restaurants until graduating college. I volunteered at the Torrance Memorial Medical Center, Harbor-UCLA Medical, and Ability First, a program for children with special needs. Immersing myself into the work and health care world at a young age allowed me to develop strong interpersonal and research skills. In college, I focused most of my psychological studies on the family and child development. In conjunction, I dove into neurodevelopment to better understand the correlations between the developing brain and mind. I gained extensive research experience in two neuro labs in Boston, and will continue my work in Los Angeles.

Outside of my studies, I like to get creative with painting and music. I have been playing the guitar since the third grade and have a strong love for song writing. My walls are covered with my own art, the good and not-so-good, as I find that our own creations are motivational, and inspirational. I love to write and have focused on strengthening my philosophical and scientific writing skills. I also have a pet snake named Cyprus:)

extended resume

View my CV